CrossFit – Fri, Sep 29
SUNDAY 10/1 1st ever CFSR Group Bike Ride
Meet up at CFSR @ 9:30am.
Eyal has chosen an awesome group ride route that will start and end at the gym.
This does Not affect our regular CrossFit class schedule 8:30 & 9:30am.Youth CrossFit Schedule Change
Class will be held at 4:30pm

Metcon (Time)

Partner Wod – breakup however you want. 1 person works while the other rests. 40 Min CAP

2000 M Row

2000 M Run

100 Cal Assault Bike

100 OHS 75/55 (rx+ 95/65)

100 Power Snatch


100 Burpees to target

300 DB Box Step Ups 20/15 (rx+ 30/20)

40 Min Cap

Note Veterans Day 11/11 – Hero Wod CHAD 1000 step ups with RuckSack – we’re starting prep work today